The Moye Family

The Moye Family

Friday, December 21, 2012

38-39 Weeks

Well, I am officially 39 weeks today. There are moments where I truly feel he could be here anytime and then I am back to feeling almost normal. Right now it is still just a waiting game! I had my doctor's appointment Wednesday for a check up. Everything still looks great between my weight, growth, blood pressure, and Jude's heartbeat (his heartbeat is 130)! I almost forgot that I hadn't explained my ultrasound and appointment from the 12th! We have wonderful new pictures of our little man below. In good news, he has turned head down so no worries about a c-section as of right now. He is also 6 pounds and 14 oz. Probably over 7 pounds by now! I am 1 cm dilated at the moment (not as near as much as I would like), still half effaced, and he's dropped just a bit more. Dr. Tsung explained that I really could go anytime so not to let the only 1 cm dilated to discourage me. My next appointment is the 26th. If we don't have him by then I am hoping that we will be closer so he can be here before January. I can definitely feel more pressure and cramping and know that is a good sign of him hopefully being here soon. Our hospital bags are officially packed and in the vehicle along with the car seat. In addition, our photographer has been contacted and I have been busy looking for newborn photo ideas. Needless to say we are as ready as we can be right now. Please keep prayers and thoughts coming our way as we are nearing the birth of Jude and our adventure as parents!

School is completely finished as of today. I will definitely miss my kids but know I will enjoy this time home with Jude more than anything. They have been such a great class during this time, even spoiling me with quite a few baby gifts! :)
I am glad that I finally get a few days to try and relax with no school. I have been so sore here lately and not sleeping at all that school has been a little rough!

We will start celebrating Christmas this weekend. Everyone will be heading this way at some point so we do not have to travel. I am thankful to get to spend the holidays here in our own home. I am sad that I am not able to do all the Christmas baking that I did last year, but I guess I should enjoy being spoiled for this year as everyone cooks for us!

38 Weeks-I need to get a week 39 picture now!

Close up of Jude

I am wondering if that is a little bit of hair on top of his head??

Still definitely a boy!

How far along? 39 weeks and 1 day!

Total weight gain: The same!

Maternity clothes? Nothing new.

Stretch marks? Still in the clear......praying it stays that way!!!!!!!

Sleep: I seem to wake up every couple of hours. I have also noticed that I am sleeping best when I can kind of sleep upright on the couch.

Best moment this week: Spending the last week of school with my kids and celebrating Christmas. Of course, putting last minute baby touches on everything here at home and hearing Jude's heartbeat cannot be matched!

Miss Anything? Actually being able to lay down without hurting!

Movement: He still wiggles and hiccups quite a bit. He even had the hiccups during our ultrasound.

Food cravings: No cravings

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope.

Labor Signs: Just more pressure and cramping...the Braxton hicks contractions are coming a bit more frequently too.

Belly Button in or out? The top is sticking out more!

Wedding rings on or off? On....still no swelling!

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy except when super tired!

Looking forward to: Christmas with all the family and spending it in our home for the first time. Most importantly we are looking forward to the arrival of Jude! :)

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