The Moye Family

The Moye Family

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Jude is here!!

Our Christmas baby!!

Here is Jude's birth story:

We had spent the weekend before Christmas (22nd and 23rd) with my side of the family. I was feeling pretty good overall and pretty positive that I would be going to my doctor's appointment the 26th still pregnant. The night of the 23rd I spent it reading on the couch till about 11:00. As I went to stand up I could tell something was a bit off. I have always been told that your water breaking is not as it always appears on the movies. However, at this point it was just a trickle and I was not positive at all as to what it could be. You hear stories all the time of women going into the hospital and it end up being just a false alarm. I wanted to be sure of what was happening so I decided to just go to bed. Of course by this point I could not sleep at all as I was completely anxious and nervous as to what was happening. I got up to go to the bathroom several times that night and each time I could feel the trickle. Finally early that morning, I got Jeff up and told him what was going on. By that time I was a nervous wreck and confused! We went ahead and called the doctor to see what they suggested we do. They wanted us to come on in and get it all checked out, so we took our time getting ready that morning. We arrived at the hospital around 9 at which point they began running tests to see if my water had actually broke at all. Each test we took either showed to be inconclusive or negative. To be on the safe side they took us to an ultrasound to check on my amniotic fluid. The ultrasound showed there was plenty of fluid so therefore I was not leaking. By this point Jeff and I both believed that nothing was happening and we were headed home. We were even discussing what to have for lunch! They let us sit in the room a bit longer before discharging us at which point we both took a small nap. When I woke up I noticed once again that something wasn't right. I wake Jeff up and am pretty sure my water did officially break. He calls the nurse and at this point she is 100% positive my water did break! I was admitted into the hospital at 12:55 pm on Christmas Eve. Apparently my water might have been leaking all night but it didn't rupture till that morning. I guess I wasn't completely paranoid after all!

I was thrilled that Jude was actually on his way (Christmas Eve wasn't exactly a desirable time but we knew it would be a wonderful Christmas present). All family members were called and were headed on their way down. We knew we had some time as my contraction were minor and I could barely feel them. I relaxed by taking a shower in our room and watching tv. Jeff finally got his lunch with Quatro's Pizza (don't get my started on how difficult it was to not have any myself)! At this point not a lot was happening as I was only dilated at about 2 close to 3. They had decided they wanted to give me Pitocin to jump start my labor especially since my water had been broke since the night before. Before that was administered we got quite a scare as Jude's heart rate began to drop. I am not sure if I had ever been so scared in my life! His heart rate jumped back up but we couldn't figure out what had triggered it so we waited a bit on the Pitocin to give him some time to relax. We started out small on the dosage just to make sure he could handle it. Luckily he did great with it. As labor continued Jude's heart rate would occassionally drop down and we discovered it had to do with how I was positioned. I could not lay on my left side at all. For some reason he did not like it! I could sometimes lay on my back, but he loved my right side! So unfortunatley, I was stuck laying on my right side for most of the labor. I shouldn't have been too surprised as this was the side he preferred through my whole pregnancy as well! The Pitocin wasn't helping a ton as I was only dilating to a 4 and my contractions weren't getting that much worse. We upped it a bit more and eventually the contractions started to get worse but I still wasn't dilating. At this point Dr. Schneider recommended that I get the epidural as she believed it helped a lot of women relax and progress the labor. Jeff and I had been back and forth on our feelings about the epidural. To be copmletely honest I was not comfortable with getting it so trying to decide on whether to get it or not began to stress me out and the tears began to run! In the end Jeff and I decided that the epidural would be the best thing if it would help with getting Jude here quicker.By the time we made this decision my contraction were definitely a lot worse! My parents, sister, and Jeff were amazing through this whole process and I couldn't have done it without them.

Second time holding him!

Dr. Schneider was definitely right on how the epidural would help! I went from a 4 to a 7 in no time flat! Let me just say that the epidural compeltely knocked me out and I actually was able to sleep. The only problem through all this is that Jude was deciding to be a bit uncooperative. He wouldn't move his head to where it needed to be so my labor would not progress any further. Of course the option of moving me around in order ot help him move was out of the questions since he only liked my right side. The only other option was to up the Pitocin a little bit more. I would say that within the hour I began to feel a new pressure and that was the sign that Jude was ready. Dr. Schneider decided it was time to push and within 10 minutes Jude was here!

He arrived Christmas morning at 1:54 a.m. Yes, we did not want to have to give him a Christmas birthday, but in the end it will be the best Christmas we will ever have! Jude was 6 lbs and 12 oz and 20 inches long. A perfectly healthy baby!

Proud daddy!
Spending time with Grandpa!

Another happy Grandpa!

Meeting Grandma

First time with Mimi!

Aunt Lindsey!

Our first family shot together! Since it was Christmas Jude got to have his own stocking! 

It was definitely a bit different to spend Christmas in the hospital, but with Jude in our lives now it did not matter in the least. We were finally able to head home the 26th with all the snow that we received!
Ready to head home for the first time!

Jude's first snowfall!       

Relaxing with daddy!
He loves his swing!
Just a few days old!
Working on our tummy time!
Ready to head out in the cold for the first time since coming home!
Love his face!
Getting so old already!