The Moye Family

The Moye Family

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Week 23 (almost 24)

We have had a super busy 4 weeks! School is in full swing now for me, so I am definitely finding it harder to spend time doing things I enjoy such as keeping this blog updated! In addition to me being back to work, Jeff has also had some big changes. He has become lieutenant of his station for the Williamson County Fire Department and he will be starting a new job next week at Copper B Line in Pinckneyville. I am so proud of him!

Since my last post we went shopping for baby furniture for our little man. We ended up with a collection we love from the Kids Room in Evansville. It is called Country Wheat and it has the rustic look I was wanting. On top of that we also bought the bedding with matching mobile, rug, curtain, and lamp. This wasn't in the plans, but it was the last bedding set they had and it was on the model with our furniture collection and I of course just had have it! Our furniture should hopefully be in sometime in October. Needless to say that is one stress off of my checklist! That afternoon we decided to register at Baby's R Us. I had always been told how overwhelming this process was, and people were not kidding! After four hours of registering my brain was fried, and I couldn't even tell you half of what we did register for! Thankfully we ran into a girl who worked there who helped us make some big decisions that we are comfortable with. We even went back to Baby's R Us this past Labor Day in Belleville just to take a second look. While in the process of deciding on the best stroller a wonderful lady hands us a 25% off coupon that had to be used that day. So of course....we had to use it and we bought our highchair! I love how everything is starting to come together. 

Our appointment was yesterday where we had a second ultrasound to check the weight and size of the baby. Turns out our baby is the perfect size for a Decemeber 28th due date! Looks like we may have an after Christmas baby! Everything so far looks great. I couldn't believe how much he has changed in just a month's time. Through the whole thing he was moving like crazy! By the time I went to bed last night, he was all I could feel. I definitely will not complain though! Our next appointment is October 3rd where I will have my glucose test. Please pray that all will go well! Our plans for the next month are to begin the painting process, look for new flooring, and registering at Target.

I have added some new pictures below for our little Boy Moye! God has truly blessed us!

Bristol Weekend!!! I know that I am already a true mommy as all I wanted to do that weekend was buy stuff for my little guy! We were able to get him a Kasey Kahne outfit, Dale Jr. bibs, and a Bristol bear.  We are starting him early as a NASCAR fan! :)

 Definitely not a baby bump any longer! I am much larger at 23 weeks!

Here are our new pictures of our little guy!

 Just look at his little face!!!!

 This will be our baby room. A definite "before" pic! We have a ton of work to do!

First baby gift from my mom and Allen. Love the little socks!

 My mamaw and papaw bought us their first gift too!

I fell in love with this elephant bank at Kids Rooms and had to have it. My dad bought it for us. Our next step is to get our little man's name engraved on it!

How far along? 23 weeks (and 5 days)

Total weight gain: 14 pounds! I can't believe it!

Maternity clothes? I haven't actually bought maternity clothes yet. I pants do not button around my belly but they fit everywhere else. Belly bands work wonders! However, I have noticed in the past week that I may need to start getting a few more shirts that will fit over me!

Stretch marks? Not that I can tell. I use the belly cream twice a day!

Sleep: I am sleeping so much better than I was. Just get a little warm every now and then!

Best moment this week: Watching him on the ultrasound again.......and of course all of his movement last night!

Miss Anything? Some of my really cute clothes maybe...but this is totally worth it!

Movement: More than I have noticed before. It is especially at night when I am first laying down.

Food cravings:Not really!

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope.

Symptoms: I have definitely been having lower back pain and round ligament pains on occasion. Especially since school has started I have noticed that I don't have as much energy and I get sore much quicker. I am still getting up in the mornings though to use my elliptical for 15 minutes and the do some stretching. Hopefully this will all help!

Belly Button in or out? Still in but I think that could change soon!

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy most of the time! There have been times I have been stressed out about work. I would just love to stay at home and look at baby stuff! :)

Looking forward to: Many things! Continued baby movement....working on the baby's room.....dinner with friends this weekend.......the Evansville craft show at the end of the month!

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