April 21, 2012
Jeff and I made a trip to Belleville to visit the farm and do a little mushroom hunting and shopping. By this point I had a sneaking suspicion that I might be pregnant due to the fact that I seemed to always be hungry and constantly wanting a snack. I was ready for lunch by 10 a.m. and that is definitely not something I was used to!
April 26, 2012
We found out we were expecting our first child and were thrilled. A little nervous and shocked too....but that was expected!
May 2, 2012
I had my first doctor's appointment. At this point we discovered that we were approximately 7 weeks pregnant and the baby is due December 16th. As most know my birthday is December 18th. Growing up I despised having a December birthday so close to Christmas. It was hard to have birthday parties, my presents were often wrapped in Christmas paper, and it just got lost in the fuss of Christmas! I had always promised myself that I would never have a child in December, but of course the best laid plans never work. The more I thought about it I realized that December is by far my favorite time of the year so of course it only makes sense that it would be the perfect time to bring our little blessing into the world. God always knows what he is doing!
May 13, 2012
We celebrated Mother's Day by finally sharing with our families that we were expecting. It was so hard to keep quiet for so long! Needless to say there was a ton of screaming and jumping up and down. Definitely one of the best days of my life!
May 31, 2012
By this time school had finally been out for a week and thank goodness! I thought I was the luckiest woman in the world as I had no morning sickness up until this point. I had felt great! Unfortunately, this didn't last. Since this week I have been battling a nauseous stomach, heartburn, lack of energy....you name it! Jeff was able to go to this appointment with me and I was thankful for that. Needless to say I was terrified about this appointment for a few reasons (blood work and hearing the baby's heartbeat). I had blood work done a few weeks back at school and I had results come back showing that I had high iron levels. Of course, this made me more nervous than I probably should have been. Luckily, the blood work from this appointment came back just fine! On top of this, I was so scared that the doctor would not be able to find the baby's heartbeat ( I worry about everything). In the end,the look on Jeff's face was priceless when the heartbeat was found. It was completely amazing to hear our little one!
Today I am 14 weeks pregnant and starting to feel like it! My baby bump is definitely there, and my clothes are a bit more snug! I do not feel as bad as I had the past few weeks, but my energy level is lacking. Wow! How pregnancy was a wake up call for all the energy I took for granted. I am used to being up at 5 a.m., at school by 7, home by 4, and then spending the evening running, grading papers, cooking, etc. I had all the energy in the world and I loved it! I now feel like I have to force myself to be out of bed by 9 and I am lucky to make it 15 minutes running now! Everyone tells me this is how it is supposed to be and it's all for the baby, so no complaining! We have another appointment tomorrow and I am looking forward to that. Here are a few pictures!
8 Weeks
10 Weeks
13 Weeks
Our 1 year anniversary!
How far along? 14 weeks
Total weight gain: At my last appointment I had actually lost one pound. I know I have gained that back plus some!
Maternity clothes? Not yet, but clothes are tighter!
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: I am sleeping pretty well until about 4 or 5 a.m. At this point I wake up starving and have to get up for breakfast!
Miss Anything? My energy!!!!!
Movement: I have no idea! Not that I notice.
Food cravings: Not really. Most of the time food just does NOT sound appetizing. I can't stand looking at recipes or going grocery shopping. Aside from this I still have to eat in order to feel well. I seem to have a thing for tacos right now...
Anything making you queasy or sick: Driving!!
Gender: Hoping to find out in July!!
Happy or Moody most of the time: I am great most of the time. The only time I catch myself moody is when I am feeling really sick but this is normal even when I'm not pregnant! If I haven't had food for a while you better watch out then too! I am not pleasant when I am hungry right now!! :)